Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yokes on me

hehehehe.....Munchkin here.....I can't stop laughing.....hehehehe. I played a joke on Mommie and the young beans tonight.....hehehe. Every night the boy bean has to take me to bed with him, so tonight I decided that I was not going to go to bed at all. No sirreee no way no how. So I decided to hide really good, I crept into Mommies closet and got behind one of her craft containers and stayed there. Well, I guess I forgot that they were not ready for bed when I did that and well I fell asleep, so asleep that I did not hear them calling my name and even tried to get me to come out by shaking the temptations bag. I was hiding good let me tell you. Finally Mommie moved the container just enough to wake me but not for her to see me, well, I got out to look and see if they were ready to go to bed and the girl bean spotted me. Well, now I couldn't get back into my hidey spot quick enough and well, you guessed it, I had to go to bed with the boy bean. And I didn't even get any temptations, so I ask, "Who was the joke really on? Them or me?"


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We think the joke was on you since ya didnt get any temptations!

Samantha & Mom said...

Poor Munchkin! Let's see.... They found you, no temptations and you had to go to bed with the boy!! We think the joke was on you!! hehehehehehe
Your FL furiends,

Black Cat said...

Poor Munchkin, looks like the joke was on you. No temptations? That's not good:) xxx

Daisy said...

Well, it was a good plan to get out of your bedtime. Too bad you missed out on the Temptations though!

PB 'n J said...

Yep - the joke might have been on you. Maybe you'll get lucky and get double temptations tonight?!

Boy said...

Oh dear...they could at weast have given you some temptations!

Gattina said...

I think you should get a lawyer and claim your temptations !

Kimo and Sabi said...

Not fair - go on strike (or play another joke on them)!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hi Missy!

Parker said...

You didn't get even one Temptation??? That's just wrong...

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

The joke was definately on you poor Munchkin...perhaps if you pout really hard, they will give you a treat!