Vishus Deer Report
Mommie took the young beans trick-or-treating last night, as tonight is a church nite. They had lots of fun and got plenty of goodies, however, they came across something so very scary while they were out. No, it was not ghosts and goblins, it was worse. Here is a picture of what they saw, remember this is in town and during halloween. As you can see for yourself, it was looking for kitty cats, thankfully we are glad to report that all the local kitties have been reported for as of this morning. If this keeps up we will need a can of Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt,
That vishus deer sure is brave to be out in town on Halloween with all the tricker treaters. Just goes to show you how important it is to keep repelunt on hand. Happy Halloween!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Wow, the vishus deer are becoming very sneaky, going out on Hallowe'en.
Aaaaaagh, omigosh...Get da Mao & Rocky Vishus Deer Repelunt kwick da deer are starting to invade!
How Scary!!!!!!!!! *shivers*
Happy Halloween!
That dastardly deer! Trying to ruin Halloween!
Oh Deer! Git yer vishus deer repelunt right away!
Hi Missy!
Oh my - I will be right over and spray - I still have some of that repellent left! I am glad you are all safe!
Monte: I posted Ana in her Halloween outfit at her blog! You'll love it, she looks splendid - she created it back in July so it was never published before...
Is that perhaps a bean dressed as a deer, I hope!
Ooh, ya, you can see it sniffin the trail of a kitty to track it down an catch it! Thos things are big, fast, an scarey!
Skeeter and LC
Holy cats! Vishus deers are getting more vishus-er!
Hello my sweet loverboy! It is your Ana.... Karl was so thoughtful to put up my latest day today, on the DAY OF THE DEAD, hoping my spirit might come and challenge everybody.
So I came. And you are of course the first I came to see - you look sooooo sweet! But don't worry - I am fine here at the bridge, and I have wonderful company! We are all just a bit sad that we cause pain to the ones left behind....
Oh my sweet Monte - I really loved the short time I had with you!
And I dare you! Yes, you too - so go and check our blog, say hello to Karl from me, tell him I am fine!!!
Lots of love my loverboy
Your Ana
Oh dear! Do be vewy careful!
Gasp! Be very, very careful!
Wow! I had to biggify the picture to see the kitty on top of the car. Mom says that is a lady deer cuz it doesn't have horns. Are lady deers vishus deers also?
Yes, that kitty on the car is being careful, keeping an eye on the vishus deer from a high place. A cat never knows when a deer will turn vishus.
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