Monday, October 15, 2007

Mancat Monday - Munchkin

Did I ever tell you that I love, love, love to lay on plastic? If there is ever a plastic bag laying around you are certain to find me either in it or on it.
Mommie says that she is going to try to be home for a couple of days, then she has to take her Pa bean to the doctor for a checkup. She also said something about it being fall break later this week, however, I am confused, how does she know that something is going to fall and break this week? Anyone have any ideas?
Mommie and all the beans were gone from Friday evening to late late late Saturday night, she took lots of something that she calls sleeping bags and stuff like that. I overheard them say something about Cub Family Adventure, I smelled her when she got back and she definately had lots of different smells on her. She did not take her camera so there are no pictures of me to show you, but, they are going back for an evening around the 27th, Spook Trail?, and hopefully she can take pics then.
We would like to thank all of our furrends and family for all the thoughts and purrayers for our Granbean, she is doing lots better, and Pabean is doing okay too.


Lux said...

I'm happy to hear your Granbean is doing better (and that PaBean's all right).

Ninna tries to eat plastic. I think it is way more manly to just lie on it!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ah, there is nothing like laying on a plastic bag...except for laying in a paper bag!

The Cat Realm said...

So good to hear that all your beans are better!!
That is a funny picture. And a funny habit....

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I am glad your Granbean is doing better.

You look very cute on the plastic bag, Munckin.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

EEK! I run fom crunchy plastic bag souns! How can you stan it? You mus be very brave...

Skeeter (and LC)

Mickey's Musings said...

I like the crinkly plastic the best! It's fun ti sniff yer Mom when she has been away,
. There's always new smells.

Parker said...

My brother likes plastic too - I don't see the attraction myself!

Boy said...

You know what, I wove pwastic bags too!!!!
So much so that sometimes I chew on them and swawwow some accidentawwy and gotted sick all over.
So mine Mummy has to be vewy careful and makes sure she's there watching whenever I pway with pwastic bags.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your Granbean is feeling better.Cute photo plastic never tryed

Samantha & Mom said...

So glad both GranBean is better and PaBean is doing well. You are such a cutie Munchkin and we love your picture! We like the crunchy sound plastic makes, too.
Your FL furiends,

Leona said...

Oh look at that cute fluffy belly!

Anonymous said...

I love plastic too! It is one of the greatest things in the world.

The Crew said...

Munchkin, you look fabulous, dude.
But be careful about plastic. One of the "cats that came before" had 2 surgeries 'cause she chewed plastic bags that got stuck in her!

Forty Paws said...

What a great Mancat picture!!!

We've been missing you guys, but we understand that sometimes life gets in the way.

Luf, Us