Thursday, January 18, 2007


I am sorry that I deleted the comments on my Thursday Thirteen post. Something was wrong with the html that I used and made my blog go all weird. I had to delete the post and re-post it without the html, to straighten up my site. Please forgive me, I really enjoyed to comments that you all left. Thank you for your support. The M's Mommie. (The html dummy.)


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm sure that everyone who has a blog has done something similar at some point in time - deleted comments, deleted posts, messed things up, etc. It happens!

Thanks for your concern about the winds here in Germany. Some areas of the country had really high winds. It was very windy here last night, but we're all fine. We (me and my humans) appreciate your message and concern!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Yeah, ours was doing something wierd like that not too long ago. Mom just gives a heavy sigh, and turned off the computer.

Daisy said...

No need to 'pologize!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi! We've all been there. Munchkin, I love your Thursday 13. it's nice getting to know you! Consider that beauty mark an "angel kiss," and it's good for boys or girls.